harrow mr/mrs bitches.
cullen wants me to post, hahahaa
so like saturday was the partehhhhh, manymany people,
first one there, as usual, hahaa, went to admire zacks awesome gibsons
and swam, and flipped into the pool, went for supper,
and hitched a ride from chael's really nice parents to bishan. haha
sunday, haha, woke up, churchhh,
and DEATHRACE with the cousins,
darryl went for his nike run and nate rach and i headed for their house.
haha, so we like stoned in front of the private practice marathon and made two consecutive trips to macs to get a 20peice nuggets and 3 large fries. damn hilarious.
okay.. errr.. ohoh met rachwong at macs... havent seen her inawhile...
and yeah, basically thats tthat, my life is boring.