date: Monday, July 28, 2008
title: wow.
 yeah, you know, bitches, if i had to like emote this period of time ive been having its really confused. everythings all weirdd and stuff, trust me, not your average-ordinary teenage love story. well, poem.
love came and stayed, not so far away, in my heart it made, what i knew would not go away
so i knew what i had to do, pursue, pursue, pursue and that was exactly what i did, the beginning of one big fib
so a bond we shared, which i thought could not be broken but these things has to happen, not just spoken
so this bond was broken, my eyes awoken, not to follow my heart but to finish the poem
and so this barrier was built that very day, a barrier known to men as change, i changed i did, in several ways, but you, you stayed the same
and it came to the point, whereby we were friends again, but nothing, for me, would ever feel the same,
and the time it came, where i was ready to get serious again, but no you wouldn't, the lies spoken, you were definitely still the same
A character like yours, oh so strong, so strong, "would never change" i thought, in dismay
so i turned off all feelings, closed my eyes and began, to start the whole process, all over again,
but just before i could, you caught me in the hand and said, this ain't over, "ill change, ill change"
but i am not certain, i mean who would, but i, damn right, was misunderstood,
do you think this is my fault, i can't love her no more, you cant force love, its just like a war,
the battles begin, with allies and foes, but when your allies have taken a toll on you, their true colours really show.
and once shown, its hard to erase cause the case where its stored its both over used and mauled, and in reality's case, love cant be restored.
so all those of you who read this and said, "what the heck, this isnt the christian i've met" its true isnt it, that what you see isnt what you get, cause i've got more problems than anyone you've ever met.
date: Saturday, July 26, 2008
title: how now brown coww?
HOW BITCHES? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? qtyuiqopl;ljhgiuyiop[auiskdkasndsaod omg.
date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008
title: hayyy
hay:D bitchesss, hmm, im relatively happy today(: shortt hair now, haha. rugby match was shit. but still, haha.
its hard, really, its not like any other.
date: Sunday, July 20, 2008
title: juust, errr... nvm.
yao bitches yeah... i admit it, Right now, yeah, im confused. im the sort in this current circumstance does not get confused but... yeahh bleh.
okay anyway, hey guys, marie's party yesterday, and no matter what you guys say, it was a blast. and yeah, happy birthday marie(: love you guys, bamffttt
date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008
title: ... or never.
 hey bitches, fast post, im sick alright friggin flu, tired right now and well, yeah, so days been pretty rough, so haha hope its over soon alright, bye.
date: Thursday, July 10, 2008
title: how it should be
Hey bitches, had rugby today, nasty cut on my thigh. afetr that just went to meet a certain someone. received the fucking absolute most awesome present ever, hahhaa wow, im starting to enjoy that i have a birthday! tomorrows friday, finally.
date: Wednesday, July 9, 2008
title: Like every other wednesday
Good day bitches, today was fine i guess... Fell asleep in every class except history(WOWRIGHT?!) hmm.. fucking nothing to talk about... oh right, got some shit project thing to do on landmarks, no idea what to do on. is Zouk a landmark?
lol, forget it, ill just let the others decide and do my thing.
like sponsore cab fare and take pictures, loll. tuition soon and well, ooshoosh. till next time.
date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008
title: and the day after
konichiwa bitches. me again, haha, school was fine, lots of happy birthdays and presents, Lol, ponned rugby, went for chinese remedial, im kinda sick, down with the flu..
and well, i feel fat. needa execise, loll. soo yeahh, yesterday was fucking screwed. lol messed up alot, and im sorrryy, you know who you are. and i miss p6/sec1 the great times i had. bye niggas
date: Monday, July 7, 2008
title: and today i age

hey, no one reads this anyway, but who gives. friends coming over later for pizza and we'll just probably do what we do best. nothing. haha. anyway to those that havent realised, todays my birthday, happy 7th of july, and well, yeah, haha, w00ts. i think ive lost a friend, that meant so much to me for the past 3 years. i guess i just didnt mean anything to her.
date: Saturday, July 5, 2008
title: Brand new, all through
haha, rachael reminded me in british council how i dont blog for fuck, so yay, new start, woohoo! so what, went for ice cream after class yesterday and than went home. and this is precisely why i dont blog, my life is freakin boring:D